About Us

Who We Are

Founded in 1999, Mindlance is a certified diversity business (MBE) and has been ranked one of the fastest growing U.S staffing firms by SIA for nine consecutive years.

We have also been consistently recognized as one of the best performing partners to industry-leading MSP programs. As a recruitment centric talent acquisition company, Mindlance provides Technology, Engineering, Digital / Creative / Marketing, Clinical Research, Scientific, Finance, Professional and Payroll Management staffing services to Global 1000 companies across the US, Canada and India. With an annual revenue of over $ 400 million and growing, the Mindlance story is one of calculable achievement. What began with contingent staffing has developed to a wide-ranging portfolio of comprehensive workforce solutions. These fall under three broad offerings: specialized talent-centric staffing, diverse/under-represented talent-centric upskilling and incubation/acceleration services, along with what can be termed cost management-centric Pay+ services: Direct Sourcing, EoR/Payroll, IC Compliance and AoR.

As we grow, our commitment is to remain mindful that our actions must be a driver for balance in the work and societal ecosystem.

How We Started

So there we were in 1996, two kindergarten friends, fresh out of grad school MBAs. Alight with ideas, we were going to set the world on fire; we were going to change the way business was done. Y2K loomed, and the world of business was moving in completely unanticipated ways. We had entrepreneurial zeal and we wanted to start something new, but we also wanted to create a space where no one would be expected to play conventional roles, where we could provide intuitive solutions for the way businesses were heading. We wanted to rework “work”. We started thinking about working to offer talented professionals freedom and choices in the assignments they picked up-a kind of a freelance of the mind. In 1999, this synthesized to form our name and our calling-“Mindlance”. 

That’s where we started. Thankfully, we have not set the world on fire. But in our own way, in a way that counts for us, we are changing the way business is done.

    Allegis Global Solutions – 2024 Strategic Supplier
    Magnit – Global Supplier Excellence Award 2024
    Monument Consulting – 2024 Strategic Supplier
    Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest US Staffing Firms (Top 100)
    Staffing Industry Analysts – Fastest Growing Staffing Firms in the US
    Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest IT Staffing Firms in the US
    Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Life Sciences Staffing Firms in the US
    Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Diversity – Owned Staffing Firms in the US
Magnit - Global Supplier Excellence Award 2023
Forbes - 2023 America’s Best Temporary Staffing firms
Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest US Staffing Firms (Top 100)
Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest US IT Staffing Firms
Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Diversity-Owned Staffing Firms in the US
Allegis Global Solutions 2022 Strategic Partner
TAPFIN Supplier and Diversity Supplier Distinction
Crain's New York 5th Largest Minority-Owned Businesses
Recognized as one of the Largest US Staffing Firm
Achieved $300 million in revenues
Acquired Quintrix – An Early Talent, Education-to-Employment Recruit-Train-Deploy solution
Allegis Global Solutions 2021 Rising Start & Strategic Partner
KellyOCG Supplier Excellence Award Winner
Guidant Global Outstanding Performance Supplier Partner
TAPFIN Diversity Supplier Distinction
ProUnlimited Supplier Award Winner
ProUnlimited Gold Award Winner
Tapfin Elite Partner Award
Recognized as one of the Largest Diversity Owned Staffing Firms by SIA (4th year in a row)
Achieved $200 million revenue milestone
Manpower (Tapfin) Diverse Supplier of the Year
Named one of the Largest IT Staffing Firm by SIA
Named one of the Largest Clinical Scientific Staffing Firms SIA
Lauched Home Healthcare practice
Cross $150 million in revenues
TAPFIN Top 5 Elite Partner Award
Mindlance Co-Founder, Vik Kalra, named to SIA’s Staffing 100 List of Industry Influencers
Kelly OCG Supplier Excellence Award - Supplier of the Year (4th Year in a Row)
Relocated corporate headquarters form Hoboken to Uion NJ
Started Product Engineering SoW Services Practice
TAPFIN -partner of the Year 2015 - Engineering Category
List of the Largest US Staffing Firms by Staffing Industry Analysts
20th Largest Diversity-Certified US Staffing Firm - Staffing Industry Analysts
Employee strength surpassed 2000 count
Crossed $100 million revenue mark
Agile-1 ‘Diversity Supplier of the Year’
Kelly ‘Scientific Supplier of the Year’
Opened 4th center in India
Kelly ‘Overall Supplier of the Year for Americas’ Supplier Excellence Award
6th-time honoree of the Inc 5000
Expanded operations into Canada
Achieved $60+ million revenue
Ranked 10th fastest-growing U.S. staffing firm by SIA
Finalist for NMSDC Regional Diversity Supplier of the Year Finalist
Achieved 50% YoY revenue growth over 2010
Achieved 50% YoY revenue growth over 2009
During the recession year, heavily invested and consequentially scaled internal teams to support large enterprise National MSP / VMS clients
Started Life Sciences SoW Solutions practice focused on Commercial & Government Revenue / Contract Management
Crossed $10 million revenue mark
Opened Dedicated Offshore Development Center for a Global Financial Services Institution
Won first staffing MSA with a Fortune 10 company; this defined the future of Mindlance
Opened first office in Hoboken NJ, a city which remained our HQ for 15+ years
Incorporated in NJ
  • Allegis Global Solutions – 2024 Strategic Supplier
  • Magnit – Global Supplier Excellence Award 2024
  • Monument Consulting – 2024 Strategic Supplier
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest US Staffing Firms (Top 100)
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Fastest Growing Staffing Firms in the US
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest IT Staffing Firms in the US
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Life Sciences Staffing Firms in the US
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Diversity – Owned Staffing Firms in the US
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Fastest Growing Staffing Firms 2022
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest US Staffing Firms 2022
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest IT Staffing Firms in the US 2022
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Life Sciences Staffing Firms in the US 2022
  • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Diversity-Owned Staffing Firms in the US 2022
  • ProUnlimited Gold Award Winner
  • Tapfin Elite Partner Award
  • Recognized as one of the Largest Diversity Owned Staffing Firms by SIA (4th year in a row)
  • Cross $150 million in revenues
  • TAPFIN Top 5 Elite Partner Award
  • Mindlance Co-Founder, Vik Kalra, named to SIA’s Staffing 100 List of Industry Influencers
  • Started Product Engineering SoW Services Practice
  • TAPFIN -partner of the Year 2015 - Engineering Category
  • List of the Largest US Staffing Firms by Staffing Industry Analysts
  • 20th Largest Diversity-Certified US Staffing Firm - Staffing Industry Analysts
  • Employee strength surpassed 2000 count
    • Kelly ‘Overall Supplier of the Year for Americas’ Supplier Excellence Award
    • 6th-time honoree of the Inc 5000
    • Expanded operations into Canada
    • Achieved 50% YoY revenue growth over 2010
    • During the recession year, heavily invested and consequentially scaled internal teams to support large enterprise National MSP / VMS clients
    • Crossed $10 million revenue mark
    • Opened Dedicated Offshore Development Center for a Global Financial Services Institution
    • Opened first office in Hoboken NJ, a city which remained our HQ for 15+ years
    • Allegis Global Solutions – 2023 Strategic Supplier
    • Magnit - Global Supplier Excellence Award 2023
    • Forbes - 2023 America’s Best Temporary Staffing firms
    • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest US Staffing Firms (Top 100)
    • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest US IT Staffing Firms
    • Staffing Industry Analysts – Largest Diversity-Owned Staffing Firms in the US
    • Achieved $300 million in revenues
    • Acquired Quintrix – An Early Talent, Education-to-Employment Recruit-Train-Deploy solution
    • Allegis Global Solutions 2021 Rising Start & Strategic Partner
    • KellyOCG Supplier Excellence Award Winner
    • Guidant Global Outstanding Performance Supplier Partner
    • Guidant Global Outstanding Performance Supplier Partner
    • ProUnlimited Supplier Award Winner
    • Achieved $200 million revenue milestone
    • Manpower (Tapfin) Diverse Supplier of the Year
    • Named one of the Largest IT Staffing Firm by SIA
    • Named one of the Largest Clinical Scientific Staffing Firms SIA
    • Lauched Home Healthcare practice
    • Kelly OCG Supplier Excellence Award - Supplier of the Year (4th Year in a Row)
    • Mindlance Co-Founder, Vik Kalra, named to SIA’s Staffing 100 List of Industry Influencers
    • Crossed $100 million revenue mark
    • Agile-1 ‘Diversity Supplier of the Year’
    • Kelly ‘Scientific Supplier of the Year’
      Opened 4th center in India
    • Achieved $60+ million revenue
    • Ranked 10th fastest-growing U.S. staffing firm by SIA
    • Finalist for NMSDC Regional Diversity Supplier of the Year Finalist
    • Achieved 50% YoY revenue growth over 2009
    • Started Life Sciences SoW Solutions practice focused on Commercial & Government Revenue / Contract Management
    • Won first staffing MSA with a Fortune 10 company; this defined the future of Mindlance
    • Incorporated in NJ

    What Drives Us

    Our core value system of cultivating mindfulness and balance gives us a worldview, so that our philosophy for work flows seamlessly from our philosophy for life.

    Mindfulness is not an idea for the mountaintop—we find that it makes great business sense. It makes us responsive, present and precise in what we say and do, and it keeps us intuitive and authentic in our actions.

    It also makes us strive for balance, so we aim to create the best possible outcomes for everyone. We find them through a commitment to what we call the 4Ps – People, Partnership, Performance and Process.

    Diversity & Inclusion

    Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion is a natural outcome of our worldview.

    We are a certified MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) and ranked as one of the largest US diversity staffing firms.

    We are excited to both fully participate and take the lead in doing everything we can to close the opportunity gap. Being in workforce solutions gives us an opening to leverage our resources and take action for change to happen now. Our diverse/under-represented talent upskilling and acceleration services are part of our resolve to create immediate impact on the work ecosystem.

    By investing in and cultivating diverse talent, generating new and broader talent pipelines and ensuring our clients are able to meet high diversity goals, we want to help create a culture of true inclusion.

    Social Responsibility

    Social responsibility is the bedrock of our philosophy.

    We believe that we are part of an organic, living whole. We only thrive when  we all do. The community supports and empowers us immeasurably. We  manifest our gratitude by giving our attention and sharing resources where we think they might be best utilized.

    Causes & Charities we currently support:

    Over the years, our level of engagement with the community has grown deeper and more meaningful. In sharing, we find much that is of value to us. We are enriched by all shades of the human experience, and by the profound awareness of our own humanity and belonging.